Homilies in 2023 (4)


Good evening everyone, First, please let me say what a pleasure it is has been to accompany the young men and young women on their retreat today. We have considered the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and reflected on their own giftedness and call to be ministers in the Church, …

8 min (1,571 words)


This afternoon In John’s Gospel, disciples are the Father’s gift to Jesus. That is the sense of Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him” (Jn 6:44). The Ethiopian eunuch in Acts is a good example of one whom the Father …

4 min (752 words)


Happy Easter everyone. Today we celebrate the resurrection, the triumph of life over death. Let us today be witnesses to the Lord and delight in the saving message of Jesus Christ. Our readings this morning invite us to a deeper form of belief. In some way they all touch on …

10 min (1,806 words)


Today’s readings talk about three things. We hear talk of prophesy in the first reading, a righteous spirit in the second reading, and death and resurrection in the Gospel, or in Lazarus’ case, resuscitation, from the dead. In a nutshell, we are witnesses to the promise of …

6 min (1,015 words)

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