Two earthquakes in January shook the world. The first was in Haiti, the second in Chile. There are Jesuits working in both Haiti (Some reports and pictures) and Chile and if you follow those links you may be interested to read some first-hand accounts of the disasters as well as see photographs of the aftermath and the work that the Society is doing in these areas. For our part here in Zambia, the pupils at Canisius High School were moved to donate money to the Haiti earthquake disaster (This appeal started before the Chilean earthquake had occured). 300,000 kwacha was so generously given by the students, most of whom are very poor themselves. This is not a lot of money in pounds or dollars, but every cent helps and the Church through her Aid Agencies, such as Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS), is able to make sure that every donation reaches the people that need it. We might wonder why such events happen (and some people have tried here and here) and quite often left contemplating a mystery, but there is no doubt that in the face of such catastrophes, the only response is to be moved by love and charity for those who suffer – and it is humbling to see such a response from the children here in Chikuni.