Tags from Posts
- spotlight.africa26
- church17
- regency16
- chikuni mission12
- canisius high school9
- general8
- news8
- pope francis6
- local news5
- chikuni parish4
- sacbc4
- philosophy3
- youth3
- artwork2
- bishops2
- encounter2
- environment2
- johannesburg2
- ordination2
- president cyril ramaphosa2
- theology2
- 200 years catholic church1
- africa1
- among the weak1
- and powerless1
- announcements1
- apostolic nuncio1
- archbishop abel gabuza1
- archbishop brislin1
- archbishop buti tlhagale1
- archbishop makgoba1
- archbishop of johannesburg1
- archbishop peter wells1
- archbishop stephen brislin1
- archbishop wells1
- archbishop william slattery1
- bicentenary1
- bishop1
- bishop duncan tsoke1
- bishop jan de groef1
- bishop josé luís ponce de león imc1
- bishop nubuasah1
- bishop sithembele sipuka1
- bishop stanislaw jan dziuba1
- bishop sylvester david1
- bishop victor phalana1
- bishops plenary1
- braamfontein1
- bridge builders1
- capital punishment1
- cardinal wilfrid napier1
- catholic social teaching1
- cdf1
- centenary1
- church teaching1
- civil partnerships1
- civil unions1
- clergyabuse1
- clericalabuse1
- common good1
- congregation for the doctrine of the faith1
- covid-191
- death penalty1
- development of doctrine1
- dialogue1
- diego iturralde1
- dignity1
- diocese of aliwal1
- diocese of kimberley1
- diocese of oudtshoorn1
- diocese of queenstown1
- diocese of rustenburg1
- doctrine1
- dream1
- duncan theodore tsoke1
- encyclical1
- engagement1
- eskom1
- evgeny afineevsky1
- families1
- family1
- find god1
- fr hugh lagan sma1
- fr josef hollanders1
- fr michael hagan1
- fr mthembini dlamini1
- fr noel rucastle1
- fr owen wilcock1
- fr owen wilcock and fr. sibusiso zulu1
- fr patrick rakeketsi1
- fr sakhi mofokeng1
- fr sibusiso zulu1
- fr sylvester david omi1
- fratelli tutti1
- fraternity1
- gendered violence1
- heythrop college1
- holy trinity catholic church1
- homelessness1
- honorary doctorate1
- hope1
- human dignity1
- human rights1
- ideological colonization1
- imbisa1
- incarnation1
- international1
- jascnet1
- jean bwasa1
- jesam1
- jesuit1
- jesuit institute south africa1
- jesuit refugee service1
- jesuits1
- john vianney seminary1
- joseph kizito1
- leadership1
- lgbti rights1
- makoro1
- marriage1
- migrants1
- missionaries1
- most. rev. jabulani adatus nxumalo omi1
- new appointments1
- nuncio1
- oblate school of theology1
- openness1
- opinion1
- pastoral plan1
- paul siphiwo vanqa1
- pcpm1
- penal laws1
- pontificalcommissionminors1
- raciscm1
- reappointment1
- refugees1
- religious freedom1
- right to life1
- robert mogapi mphiwe1
- rt. rev. zolile peter mpamabani scj1
- sacbc plenary 20211
- sacbc president1
- sacramental marriage1
- safeguarding1
- scapegoating1
- secretary-general1
- seminaries1
- silver jubilee1
- social compact1
- society of jesus1
- society of st vincent de paul1
- southern african bishops1
- southern african catholic bishops' conference1
- southernafricanbishops1
- sr hermenegild makoro1
- stellenbosch1
- su1
- support1
- thabo makgoba1
- tom smolich1
- urbi et orbi1
- words of encouragement1
- world1
Tags from Homilies
- year a52
- ordinary time after easter43
- 201733
- year c24
- 201918
- lent14
- 201613
- easter13
- year b11
- 20208
- ordinary time before easter8
- cycle ii6
- 20185
- 20245
- advent5
- 20234
- cycle i4
- 26th sunday in ordinary time3
- 5th sunday of lent3
- 12th sunday in ordinary time2
- 1st sunday of advent2
- 1st sunday of lent2
- 21st sunday in ordinary time2
- 22nd sunday in ordinary time2
- 23rd sunday in ordinary time2
- 24th sunday in ordinary time2
- 25th sunday in ordinary time2
- 27th sunday in ordinary time2
- 28th sunday in ordinary time2
- 30th sunday in ordinary time2
- 4th sunday of easter2
- 4th sunday of lent2
- 5th sunday in ordinary time2
- 5th sunday of easter2
- 6th sunday of easter2
- ash wednesday2
- christmas2
- sacred paschal triduum2
- solemnity of easter sunday2
- 13th sunday in ordinary time1
- 14th sunday in ordinary time1
- 15th sunday in ordinary time1
- 16th sunday in ordinary time1
- 17th sunday in ordinary time1
- 18th sunday in ordinary time1
- 19th sunday in ordinary time1
- 20151
- 29th sunday in ordinary time1
- 2nd sunday of advent1
- 2nd sunday of easter1
- 2nd sunday of lent1
- 32nd sunday in ordinary time1
- 33rd sunday in ordinary time1
- 34th sunday in ordinary time (christ the king)1
- 3rd sunday in ordinary time1
- 3rd sunday of advent1
- 3rd sunday of easter1
- 3rd sunday of lent1
- 4th sunday in ordinary time1
- 4th sunday of advent1
- 6th sunday in ordinary time1
- 7th sunday in ordinary time1
- 8th sunday in ordinary time1
- all souls' day1
- commemoration of all the faithful departed1
- feast of st jerome1
- feast of the ascension of the lord1
- friday after ash wednesday1
- good friday1
- mass of the lord's supper1
- memorial of st peter claver1
- monday of the 23rd week in ordinary time1
- palm sunday1
- pentecost sunday1
- saturday after ash wednesday1
- saturday, 25th week in ordinary time1
- solemnity of all saints1
- solemnity of mary, mother of god1
- solemnity of st ignatius of loyola1
- solemnity of the most holy trinity1
- solemnity of the mosty holy body and blood of christ (corpus christi)1
- the assumption of the blessed virgin mary1
- the feast of the transfiguration of our lord1
- the nativity of the lord1
- thursday of the 3rd week of easter1
- tuesday of the 16th week in ordinary time1
- wedding of peter carswell and megan butler1
- wednesday of the 12th week in ordinary time1
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