Easter (13)

2023 (2)


Happy Easter everyone. Today we celebrate the resurrection, the triumph of life over death. Let us today be witnesses to the Lord and delight in the saving message of Jesus Christ. Our readings this morning invite us to a deeper form of belief. In some way they all touch on …

10 min (1,806 words)


This afternoon In John’s Gospel, disciples are the Father’s gift to Jesus. That is the sense of Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him” (Jn 6:44). The Ethiopian eunuch in Acts is a good example of one whom the Father …

4 min (752 words)

2020 (2)


Dear Friends, This is the day that the LORD has made; Rejoice and be glad. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Happy Easter everyone. We have been celebrating Lent since the 26th of February, and this has been a Lent like no other we have known. We have had to sacrifice so much: our …

10 min (1,858 words)


Before Jesus Ascends, he needs to explain to the apostles that they will not be left alone. That he will send his spirit to be with them. In the first reading we see Philip fulfilling a prophecy of Jesus that the Good News would be preached in Samaria. Samaria was home to …

5 min (999 words)

2019 (3)


Our readings today are bound together with two overarching questions. The first question we might reflect on is who do we listen to? The second is do we know what time it is? What has appeared repeatedly in our Easter readings is the story of the Church’s universal mission. …

9 min (1,698 words)


In today’s readings I think there are two verbs we should take special notice of. The first is ‘encourage’ from our first reading. The selection from the Acts of the Apostles describes the conclusion of St Paul’s first missionary journey where he took the good news of Jesus. …

7 min (1,254 words)


In our first reading today we hear the opening lines from the Acts of the Apostles. Our Gospel is also taken from the end of Luke’s Gospel. Both the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of Luke were, we believe, written by the same person and both the Gospel and first reading …

6 min (1,198 words)

2017 (6)


So in this evening’s Gospel we hear the familiar story of the Risen Christ appearing to the disciples in the Upper Room. I’ve just come back from a retreat with all the Parish Catechists where we watched the movie, Risen, which starred Ralph Joseph 1 Fiennes as the Roman …

6 min (1,178 words)


This Sunday’s Gospel reading from Saint Luke is the familiar story of the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus. This story of the journey to Emmaus is both a literal and a spiritual journey. On the one hand, it recounts the story of two disciples who, after the crucifixion, death …

5 min (992 words)


Last week we heard about the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and how Jesus went after these two ‘lost sheep’ and found them. Today we hear a lot about Shepherds and Sheep, and so consequently we call today Good Shepherd Sunday. With the exception of last …

6 min (1,022 words)


In today’s first reading we hear how, as a result of the evangelization of the apostles, the number of disciples grew. But as the number of disciples grew, we are told, so did the complaints. In ways that we can identify with today, the complaints ran along the lines of …

7 min (1,396 words)


I’d like today to talk about three things: firstly, the Holy Spirit, secondly, a sign of that Spirit present in our country this week. And thirdly, I’d like to briefly say something about Catholic schools which you may have noticed from some of the children wearing their …

9 min (1,776 words)


My brothers and sisters, on this the last day of Easter, on this our Feast of Pentecost, our readings tell us the story of the descent of the Holy Spirit. We remember that in the Bible, God the Father and God the Son have featured very prominently – but God the Holy Spirit …

8 min (1,409 words)

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